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Marilyn Manson - the nobodies
Luv luv luv it

Yesterday i was dirty
wanted to be pretty
now i know that i'm just dirt
Yesterday i was dirty
wanted to be pretty
now i know that i'm just dirt

We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodys
when dead
they'll know just who we are
We are the nobodies
we wanna be somebodys
when dead
they'll know just who we are

The latest
I have just decided to add a little bit more to my site, as i have not been working on it lately. Its slowly and gradually getting there.

Long time no update huh? Well, i thought i would update it, as i aint in a while. Well quite alotta things have been happening really, some stuff i dont even know about by the looks/sounds/feeling of it ... but yeah ... well have 2 go, will update more if i can some other time xxx
Tropical cheese man

There's lots of pretty, pretty ones, that wanna get you high, but all the pretty, pretty ones leave u alone and blow your mind