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Did you ever watch the moomins? U may not remember them, but this page is dedicated to them
Ah, the loveable (and sometimes scary) Moomins. This page is dedicated to them, i love that cartoon ... sadly it is not on TV n e more :-(
But anyway, here are some of the characters from the cartoon

This is Moomintroll, he loves to go fishing with Snufkin and is in love with Snorkmaiden (his girlfreind)

Moomin papa
This is Moomin papa (Moomintrolls dad), moomin papa loves to write. he also loves the sea and storms, and he likes to tell his adventures
Moomin mama
This is moomin mama (Moomintrolls mum), she is a very freindly character and likes to find solutions to problems. Moomin mama is a great cook and loves preparing goodies for everyone

This is Snufkin, he is a great adventurer in moomin valley. He spends most of his time fishing and playing on his harmonica.

This is Snorkmaiden, she is very romantic and feminine. Her and Little My are very good freinds, ewven though they are quite different in character. Snorkmaiden is very day dreamy and day dreams alot

Little My
This is little my, she is tiny but got attitude. She is always up to mischeif and giving moomin mama a cause to worry about something

Thios is Sniff, he likes n e thing shiny and has quite a collection of shiny objects. he is a bit of a coward, and afraid of water. He is also a bit of a lazy character, and on the little adventures he is always the first to get tired and start complaining

The Groke
This is the groke, a pretty scary character. The groke is a lonely traveller who makes the ground she walks on freeze. And if u look her in the eyes, she will freeze u. The chilling cries of the groke are pretty scary, but maybe shez only growling because she is lonley, and wants someone to visit her

The Hattifatteners
These are the hattifatteners, they always appear in great hosts, noboday knows where they come from or where they are going. U can usualy sense their presence by the electricity in the air. In thunderstorms they glow with a mysterious light

This is snork, snorkmaidens brother. He spends most of his time in his workshop building his gadgets. He is quite a bookworm and spends most of his time alone with his inventions

This is Fillyjonk, she is very open and does not hide her feelings whenever she bumps into one of the moomin family. She is very strict and keeps her children disciplinned. She likes rules and being tidy

This is stinky, he is never invited to join in with the others as he is a bit of a baddy, but he comes and joins in n e way without asking, as he is jealous of the fun the others are having. Stinky likes to listen into other characters conversations, and makes alot of mischeif

The Witch
This is the witch, yeah, she looks pretty scary but is harmless enough. She has no time for the "goody-goody" moomins. She lives alone in her cottage in the forest. She is also trying 2 bring her niece up as a witch

This is Alice, the witches niece. She likes the moomins and plays with them when the witch does not know about it. Alice has no intention of growing up to be a witch