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Hiya, here's a few pics of some of my gorgeous and sexy mates

Me n my best buddy Stef

Me n Ve (Good mate, i miss u ve)

Me n Tan (my cous, great mate too)

Me n my good mate Kimbo

Me, Ve n Mez (great buddy's, i miss u both)

Me n my sexy best buddy Stef again

My best buddy Gem (lookin great)

Tash lookin sexy

Sexy si (great bud)

Best buddy Kate (lookin bootifull)

Jordan (fit bod hey?)

Dean (lookin fine)

Wuvly Ian (lookin sooo cute)

My best buddy's Stef and Gem (lookin gorgeous)

Me and my sexy best buddy Stef

Here's Jordan again

Andy and Nick, cooool

Olly (hez cute, a cute lil pot head)

Heidi (lookin lovely, very pretty)

Tom (Emcee cheeky, nice tummy u got there)

Nat (lookin gorgeous)

Another pic of me and my best buddy kim

Stace, little poser, lookin lovely

Lil Leanne, lookin cute as ever

Kirsty, lookin lovely

Sean, cool guy

