Welcome to my, erm, little website thingy
Home Page

About Page

Photo Page

Photo's Of Cool Bands

What's New

The Cheese Page

The Cheese Monkey

Just Another Little Page

About The Moomins

More Pictures Of Moomins

Another Random Little Page ... Waving Cows

Cool Dollz

The Hand Is Quicker Than The Eye

Favorite Links Page

Guest Book

Hiya, and welcome to my site.
Hiya people, its me Raz. For those of you who don't know me, but found my site, I'm Raz, as you have proberly already gatherd. So you happened to land on my site did u? Welcome to my little site. I decided to make this site because i was a bit bored. On the right is a pic of me (dodgy, i know. Its about 2 years old now). And my hair is now a reddish colour. I know i aint done much to this site so far, but im workin on it, please bare with me. If ur asleep, i understand, but please, WAKE UP!

This site is basically about, well, I'm not gonna tell you I'm gonna let you have a wonder around and let you see for yourself (if you can be arsed to carry on reading that is)... maybe you could sign my guestbook while you are here, yeah, yeah, YEAH???
Wanna make sum cheese muffins?
Then go to the cheese page to find out how to make them

Wanna know what a cheese monkey is, and how to keep it out of your home? Then go to the cheese monkey page

Contact me
If u wanna make n e comments about my site then feel free to sign my guestbook. I also have msn messanger, so add me if u wanna, racheljwood71@hotmail.com
View guestbook

The Moomins
Did you ever used to watch the moomins? I used to watch them and loved them, they did kinda freak me out thoughs, and i admit that one of the characters from the moomins gave me nightmares. They aint on TV no more sadly, but i found some pics of them, and thought i would make a little page dedicated to them.

More recent
This is a more recnet pic of me with almost black hair ... awfull i know

Something takes a part of me, something lost and never seen.