The Cheese Moneky
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This page is dedicated to the cheese monkey
This page is all about the cheese monkey ... What is a cheese monkey u say? Well, carry on reading and find out
This page is for people over 12 years old, n e one younger than 12 may get scared and have nightmares about cheese monekys for the rest of their lives, be warned

About the cheese monkey
A cheese moneky, u really wanna know what a cheese monkey is? Ok then ... if u dare, read on

A cheese monkey is a certain monkey that sneaks into peoples houses in the dead of the night, and, and ... STEALS CHEESE ... yes, tragic i know, so u know where ur cheese has gone, if n e cheese goes missing. Cheese monkeys love all kinda of cheese even if its gone mouldy, theres no stopping them

Cheese monkey in disguise
On the right is a cheese monkey in disguise, the cheese moneky is slyly holding a banana instead of a lump of cheese ... they r quite clever u no, watch out

Cheeky cheeky cheese monkey likes to eat the cheese
Cheeky cheeky cheese monkey give me it bak please

The only way too stop the cheese monkeys coming into your home and stealing all the cheese in sight is to make 2 cheese muffins a day and leave them on ur doorstep at night, and the cheese monkeys will be very greatfull for this and leave ur home alone
(The cheese page tells you how to make these cheese muffins)

Watch out for the cheese monkeys