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So, u decided to check out this page then eh?
Well, this page aint about n e thing in particular but check it out anyways ... I just thort i wud put a few cool pictures on here, like the really cute jigglypuff, awwwww he is soooooo cute, awwwwwww ... jigglypuff

  A picture of a bee
On the left, is a picture of a bee, see? Look it moves, a picture of a moving bee on my site, how cool is that? Pretty cool huh?
Ooo, wanna hear a rhyme about a bee? Yeah? ok thens

There was a bee
who woz freinds with a flea
now this bee
found a pea
and shared this pea
with his freind, the flea
what a lovely little bee

  Jigglypuff - aint he just sooo cute
Did u ever used 2 collect pokemon cards? No? Oh, erm, neither did i ... Anyway heres a little pokemon that i think is just so very cute and i had to put him on my page ... awwww, he is so cute

  The Simpsons
The Simpsons, such a cool program, its on every eveing at 6 ... just thought i would put a small pic of them on my page, sicne they r like, so cool. With Homer the dad, marge the mum, lisa the daughter, bart the son, and maggie their other daughter

Sign my guestbook please :-)

The Siiiiiimpsoooons

I wanna fuck you like an animal, i wanna feel you from the inside, i wanna fuck you like an animal, my whole exsitance is flawn you get me closer to God