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If u like cheese and muffins, then why not make a cheese muffin?
Yes, this is a page for all u cheese obsessants, ur all obsessed with cheese i tell ya, cheeeeese

  What you need
*More cheese
*Even more cheese
*Muffins (about 12, u can buy them from ur local supermarket)
*And cheese

How to make
Step one - Melt the cheese in a bowl by eitha shoving it in the microwave or n e other good way of melting cheese

Step two - Spread the cheese all over the muffins

Hey presto, cheese muffins!

I know they may be quite tricky to make, but once u get the hang of it, then they should become slightly easier to make, so get going my little cheese muffin makers, make the world a cheesier muffiny place.

Cheese monkeys love cheese muffins. Whats a cheese monkey u say? If u really wanna know, then check out the cheese monkey page.

cheese monkeys site

Cheese and chocolate chip muffins
So, u wanna know how to make chocolate chip cheese muffins yeah?
Well, do the same as above, but buy chocolate chip muffins instead

^^^More Cheese, see

Oi, get bak here with that cheese u little theifs

What is a cheese muffin? Its a muffin with cheese of course