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Heres just another random lil page

Waving cows
Look, waving cows, aint they cool ... yeah ok, anyway ... Curious of what was on this page hey? Ok ... well, its just a random little page with a pic of waving cows on it

I thought they were pretty cool, so i thought that i would have to put them on here somewhere

Dolls maker, i think this site is pretty cool and worth checkin out, you get to make cool dolls on it
Dolls maker
Washing machines live longer with calgon ... whats calgon u ask?

A calgon ... a calgon is a small furry animal with a real big tongue that has been designed for goin into washing machines and licking them clean (to get the best results, feed the calgon washing powder), this animal is also quite clever and if you give it special tools for fixing a broken down washing machine, it can fix them too... so washing machines live longer with calgon

Where to get a calgon from - u get calgons from underground layers, where smugglers have smuggeled in these creatures, which have been bred espicaially for cleaning washing machines

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Remember - Washing machines live longer with calgon